BLOG TOUR – The Theatre of Glass and Shadow by Anne Corlett

Anne Corlett has created an entire alternate universe within the theatre, which to an extent, the theatre world actually is for those of us who work, play and live within it! For me, reading this book was a reminder of the magical world that lies within the realms of the theatre world.


Sometimes the greatest spectacle hides the darkest secrets . . .

In an alternate London, the city’s Theatre District is a walled area south of the river where an immersive production – the Show – has been running for centuries, growing ever bigger, more sprawling and lavish. The Show is open to anyone who can afford a ticket but the District itself is a closed world; even the police have no jurisdiction within its walls.

Juliet’s mother died when she was a baby. Brought up by her emotionally distant father and even more distant stepmother, she has never felt wanted. It’s only when her father passes away that Juliet – now nineteen – learns her birth was registered in the District. Desperate to belong somewhere at last, she travels to London where she hopes to unearth the truth about her identity, her mother’s death and her father’s years of silence – and claim her birthright.

But in the District, there is only one central truth: the Show must go on. And in a world where illusions abound, and powerful men control the narrative, Juliet has no idea of just how far some will go to ensure certain stories are never told . . .

My Review:

Rich with atmospheric intrigue and mystery, the author leads her reader into Juliet’s world and allows us to join her on her journey of discovery. Her path is not only one where she will discover who she is, which is what she initially sets out to do, but she will also discover where she came from and who she was actually meant to be – someone she never could have imagined.

When Juliet’s father dies (having already lost her mother, who isn’t even a memory to her), she discovers that her birth was registered in the Theatre District, a murky world that seems distant and dark, somewhere ‘other-worldly’ that she’s always understood is not a place to venture near. But now, it beckons and she cannot ignore its pull.

And so she decides that her cold and unkind step-mother no longer has any influence over her and that she will make her own way … towards the Theatre District and to finding out who her mother (who nobody ever speaks about) was. Because if you know where you came from, then you’ll have a clearer idea of where you’re going!

Almost as soon as she arrives she becomes enchanted with the magic of The Show that has been performed continuously for years and years, and regardless of circumstances, The Show must go on! And when she is told the story of The Moonshine Girl, she becomes intrigued, knowing that someone here must hold the key to the mystery of who her mother was. But although Juliet is naive, she knows that she should play her cards close to her chest and shouldn’t reveal all about herself too quickly to these new acquaintances she’s meeting, even though she secretly hopes that this is where she will find her place in the world. She’s well aware that the District has both a light and a dark side and that the people there are most certainly not always what or who they first appear to be.

The characterization is detailed and fascinating, and the concept of everyone in the district needing to wear masks (although I found this a little disturbing at first), plays such a major role in the perception of facade, truth and lies in theatre and in performance.

The plot is complex and intricate and is by no means a light read. It’s absorbing and draws you into another realm that is fantastical and beautifully imaginative. I can’t wait to return … yes, I’m waiting for a sequel!

Thank you to Compulsive Readers for this wonderful blog tour.

Author Bio:

Anne is originally from the north-east, but somehow slid down the map and finished up in a small village near Bath, where she lives with her partner and three sons. She has an MA in English Language and Linguistics from Edinburgh University, and an MSt in Linguistics from Oxford University. During her postgraduate studies, she worked as an etymologist and proofreader for a dictionary, carrying out research at the Bodleian Library.

Armed with her linguistics-related degrees and work experience, Anne took the somewhat illogical next step and became a criminal lawyer. In 2011, after several years spent working in the London courts and police stations, Anne remembered that she’d actually planned to be a writer, and commenced work on her first novel.  This was slightly unfortunate timing, given that she was right in the middle of relocating to Somerset with her family, who seemed to feel that a little less novel-writing and a little more packing might be warranted.  They probably had a point.

Over the next couple of years Anne fitted writing work around her day job as a solicitor. Her writing has appeared in various newspapers, magazines and anthologies, and has won various awards.

In 2016, The Space Between the Stars was published by Pan Macmillan in the UK and Random House in the US. She wrote most of this novel while studying for a Creative Writing MA at Bath Spa University. Her second novel, The Theatre of Glass and Shadows, will be published in May 2024 by Bonnier.

Anne enjoys working with other writers, through editing, mentoring and teaching.

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